女藝會的好朋友們 很傷心的告知消息~~ 香君在幾個小時前到另一個國度了 請為她祝唸 希望她放心喜樂的在另一個世界生活~~ mali

Dr Elsa Hsiang-chun Chen 1969 - 2011

請留下ㄧ些話語 讓我們一起緬懷香君
Remembering Elsa: Share Your Memories & Condolences


陳香君老師 高雄追思禮拜 10/30下午3:30約珥靈糧堂



陽光不曾降臨的美麗 In Memory of Elsa Chen by 黃孫權





憶香君 by 阮啟民 2011.10.10.

感謝大家今天來送別香君,1010對我而言是個特別的日子,不僅今天是香君的生日,23年前的今天就是我幫香君舉辦她20歲的慶生會。 印象非常深刻的是在那個時候香君許下的願望之一便是要成為一位學者,研究她所喜愛的藝術史。 香君當時候的心願也成為了我一直以來守護與努力的目標。

我跟香君是大學的同班同學,與香君相識24年,結褵15年以來,我看到香君真的是用心深刻的過著每一天,有幸能與香君一同經歷過人生大大小小的事情,而香君也順利的從澳洲、英國完成了她的碩士、博士學位並於UCLA、高師大、陽明大學任教。 感謝在這些歷程中指導香君的老師以及香君所教導的學生們,你們帶給香君在學術研究上最大的支持與成就。

香君是個重情重義的人,從小就離家在外,除了家人,她更重視朋友。  香君總是為著對方著想,總是帶給大家正面與熱情的溫暖,對於她所經辦的事情總是盡最大的努力去完成,感謝來自明道中學、台大同學、女藝會、藝術界朋友以及世界各地的朋友們對香君的關心與愛護,香君總是念著哪一位朋友曾經幫過她什麼忙,並總是想要更多更多的回報回去;香君是這樣一個溫柔善良卻又堅強獨立的人,她永遠都是將像春風般的笑容帶給她周遭的人,卻不願造成別人的困擾與麻煩,堅強的自己默默承受著一切困難與苦痛。

今年以來,香君飽受病痛之苦,但她是個勇敢的生命鬥士,自己承受病痛而把歡樂與笑顏帶給大家並積極的為他人代禱。 感謝細心照顧香君的成大、榮總與馬偕醫院的醫護團隊,特別是香君的看護BYA,與來自教會肢體的弟兄姊妹,你們就像是天使般守候著香君。 香君臥病時幾次的跟我說,她已經放下屬於世間的勞煩,得著來自天父的安慰,感謝主!我相信現在香君正安息主懷,我們也約好將來還要再相見。

最後,我想要用自己的方式來記念香君,十月初當我收到國藝會的通知說香君的論文以及作品集獲得出版補助並確定要出版成書,我知道這些年來心心念念的願望可以卸下了。 同樣也是在今天這個日子我要立下另一個願望,就是要讓香君跟我所愛的棠棠得到加倍的愛並且快樂的成長。我也深信香君溫柔的話語與堅強的精神會像落在地裡的麥子,永存在我們大家的心中。

The blessed lady who saw the color of death by Li-ling Wu

We learn that life can bring unexpected times of suffering; because we live in a fallen world.
   To the person who is suffering, hope can seem so distant.    

Elsa ever asked, is it that her sin caused her in this incurable illness?   We said no, it’s because we live in sinful, fallen world.    If God being good means he has to get rid of sin, it means he would have to get rid of sinners; because suffering is connected to sin; if God were to get rid of suffering, he'd have to get rid of sin, and then he'd have to get rid of sinners.  神愛世人God is a merciful God, He won’t do that.

You all know Elsa; she was a 很努力的人, not a person who would easily give up.   Time with Elsa, I can see 3 stages of growing in her. 

1)   with hope that God can perform a miracle to heal her.   She was right, God IS able; but many times, HE chose to heal our hearts and not our body. 

When Fan Lan and I first started visiting Elsa, she had already laid on bed for 6 months, the doctor had already told her, no more treatments can be done that would help her to get well.  She was under pain relief treatments for cancer.   She took very good care of herself with the hope that God would heal her miraculously that she would someday be able to get up and walk again and have a body free of cancer cells.  

She broke down in tears a couple times in our visits; she wrestled with God, ‘why me?’  questions that every one of us will ask when in suffering.  She questioned why God allowed her to suffer and that she had to die early; there were yet many things she wanted to do, to accomplish…     We have to admit that this was a tough question for us to answer.   Especially when times seeing her in great pain, we couldn’t do much but to hold tight to her hands and cried out to God with her till the pain killer started kicking.  Fan Lan often told her to tell everything to God, ‘為什麼讓我這麼痛’…  

Pastor 多倫 and 炳宏 shared on Friday for those who attended Elsa’s 入殮禮拜 that our body will decay, its temporary tent that our souls live in.    I understand the message from the bible, but when it comes to sharing it with Elsa, I felt weak, don’t know how to speak to her, so that she could understand our hope is in Jesus where our soul returns to at the end.    I thought of Joni Erickson Tada’s, her recent issue, ‘A place of Healing’; so I passed on that book to Elsa.  I thought Joni’s words would be best related to Elsa.   They both suffer chronic illness and disability.  Joni’s journey helped her, brought her new hope in many ways gradually.

2)  Praise the Lord, Elsa was wise enough to understand and to grab on the hope.  She knew Jesus is the breath of life.   She chose to submit to God, but still fear of death and pain took over her.  She said to us, she prayed that God would take her home in her sleep.  

No one can prepare for death, but God can.  And that’s what God did for keeping Elsa till HIS perfect timing came and took her home.

3)  The miracle.   About the end of June of beginning of July after Elsa had waken up from a month long semi-coma, she was granted the glance of heaven, the true Hope – Jesus.    

As most of you knew that Elsa was in a semi-coma stage for almost a month.  A few times we visited her; she couldn’t express herself clear in words, but would always give out her best smiles to everyone.  It was like her body was with us, but she mind and soul were somewhere else.    

Surprisingly, she woke up one day and phoned many of us, with a joyful heart, talked normal like she was never sick.  She said, she saw the color of death; it was bright light, shining places, it was very peaceful, no fear…  and I remembered she said, 原來死亡不過如此.  I told her, what she saw was heaven!!      

Ever since, Holy Spirit filled her heart, she made a few brave statements without fears. 

She said, she had 2 books are yet to be published; she wished God would keep her life till the end of December, it not, she will submit to God also, it doesn’t matter.

She also said, from now on, she would submit to Kevin, he is the head of the household, he ought to be the one taking charge and making decisions, she would submit to him as a wife.  She said it with joy; she expressed how thankful she felt towards Kevin.   She was able to tell me and Fan Lan that she has 2 special gifts for Candy, her cross and her dissertation.  She wanted Candy to go through her clothes, and then whatever does not fit her, Beya gets to pick.    She also started fasting for lunch, she devoted her time to prayers for her family, Kevin and Candy, sisters, brothers, parents in laws, friends……..

Elsa understood what it meant in
1 Peter 2:21: "To these hardships you were called because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his steps."   This has brought me great encouragement. 

Suffering prepares us to face death.  None of us, in our culture of comfort, know how to prepare ourselves for dying, but that's what we should do every day.  We don't just walk through the valley of the shadow of death when we feel a lump on our body, get a medical report or when we survive a stroke.  When we say yes to the grace of God, we are learning how to die.  It is in Elsa’s case.

God healed Elsa’s heart.  She was granted fruit of the good Spirits that carried her far.  God kept Elsa this long, cuz HE wanted to show Elsa who HE is before taking her home.   

I thank Elsa; she witnessed hope before my eyes.   Her prayers were answered; she was taken home without fear, she is with our God in heaven.  You and I someday will go thru suffering and face death.   May the Lord, who had mercy to Elsa, do the same to us.   I know it will happen, because she prayed for you and me on her bed.

*Special thanks to 怡清 at Veteran’s who had watched and cared for her like one of her own family members.  God bless you.


穿越火,走向風中 陳香君:這一本有關女性、記憶、創傷的燙金之書 / 高千惠 ( 10/7/2011)











在藝術領域,藝術家和其作品的出現、展現與詮釋,大家都必需尊重其「主體性」,認為藝術活動的形成,便是在為藝術稱家和其作品服務,要求服務者要有高品質。對於香君的定位,台灣藝壇(根據伊通公園官方網訊) 在她走後,只能擇項地稱她為「策展人陳香君」。我以為香君不止於此,以香君的養成訓練和工作態度,己被浮濫化的「策展人」一詞,實在委屈她了。在多次對話中,香君常透露,策展工作和展覧評述之類,都是「業界性質」。我會謔稱,那麼介入業界與官界的學界工作,就該算「學業領域」。她認為藝評文字多沒學問系統,我也認為學術文字多沒創見與生命力。但最後,我們都同意,藝評是可以作為一門學科。







香君澳洲老師的來信 by Bill Butcher

Dear Friends,
Elsa first came to Australian academic life as a commerce student in the beginning of 1993. In my business law class of that year, she shone as a gentle, quiet spirit who could, seemingly from nowhere, pierce academic and unwieldy bubbles with that disarming intellect and charm.  It will surprise no one that, while she did well in her study, the world of business did not touch her mind or her heart. Elsa was always meant for the humanities and while we were sorry to lose her, it was with delight that we saw her choose the study of art at the University of Sydney.  It was a path that matched her perfectly, with its beauty, its intellectual challenges and its social importance.  In Elsa’s early Sydney Uni days, her dear friend Chin and I found ourselves in unfamiliar territory as we struggled with our proof reading of her work on Margaret Preston and on the place of Kuhn’s paradigm in art, carried along only by Elsa’s teasing and warmth and cups of tea .  Margaret Preston was new to us then, but she has always had a place in our hearts since. 
From there, Elsa went on to do fabulous things.  It was with immense pride that I learned of her achievements, through emails or her occasional visits to Sydney, but such was her way that it is only now, upon reading what many of you have written here, that I see just how wonderful those achievements were.  That was her way, of course, always modest and always quiet about herself, ever behind that joyful wit and radiant, mischievous smile. 
Now, a brilliant light has gone out in our world. It is an awful loss, deeply felt, but I am grateful and blessed to have been Elsa’s friend. 
My heartfelt sympathy to Kevin and Candy, and my best wishes to all,                                        

Bill Butcher | Associate Head of School (Education) | School of Taxation & Business Law
Australian School of Business | The University of New South Wales



Dear Kevin and Candy:

We have never met, but I know about you from Hsiang-chun.  I am so, so devastated to hear about Hsiang-chun's passing.  I am very sorry I was not aware of the seriousness of her health or I would have said good-by to her.  I really feel very bad about my not knowing earlier.  I do want to thank you for informing me of this sad news.  Please accept my deepest sympathy.

I knew that Hsiang-chun was struggling with health issues, but did not know of its seriousness.  It was very much how Hsiang-chun was—she never complained and was always positive.  Hsiang-chun was very special.  She was my student when I first started to teach in Taipei.  Her eagerness and enthusiasm was very encouraging for me as a young and inexperienced teacher.  Hsiang-chun was also my very first student to continue in art history and, more significantly, she was one who went far beyond the little that I started her out with.  She was extraordinary in overcoming obstacles she encountered in her journey to becoming a prominent and influential art historian.  Her persistence was inspiring.  Hsiang-chun always remembered to keep me informed about her life, either with a phone call or a simple email.  I continue to find it quite humbling that, after she was making an impact with her exhibitions and her writings art and I was using her work for my teaching, she continued to talk to me in the most unassuming way, as a former student.  I am proud to have been part of Hsiang-chun’s life and am very saddened that she is no longer with us.  I will miss her phone calls and hearing her sweet voice.


Jane C. Ju 朱靜華
Associate Professor
History Department
National Chengchi University
Taipei, Taiwan


有話說與香君聽 Remembering Elsa: Share Your Thoughts & Memories
