女藝會的好朋友們 很傷心的告知消息~~ 香君在幾個小時前到另一個國度了 請為她祝唸 希望她放心喜樂的在另一個世界生活~~ mali

Dr Elsa Hsiang-chun Chen 1969 - 2011

請留下ㄧ些話語 讓我們一起緬懷香君
Remembering Elsa: Share Your Memories & Condolences



No words can describe the SADNESS, no. This is a great loss for the research circle and curatorship of Taiwanese contemporary art, especially the field of feminism and sociology of art. It is hard to imagine who can take her position so far in terms of her approach & persepctives in Taiwan, a unique and excellent example for students and peers. However, she will continue to stay with us through her publications & thoughts. I will remember a few moment of encounter with her. Rest in peace.

Dr. Hsin-tien Liao from Canberra
Taiwan Studies,
School of Culture, History & Language,
ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

